Sunday, December 5, 2010


At every juncture in history,we've recognized that the way to move forward,in our lives and as a Nation,is to put education first.
(Barrack Obama)
9th August,2010.

Did you get an education or a certificate?

I attended a University where these were the norms,

- sporadic gun shots during lecture hours

- killing and maiming of fellow students

- female students into prostitution

- male students recruited as political thugs by politicians

- lecturers blackmailed female students into sleeping with them

- lecturers collected bribes from students with promises to increase their score marks

- no space in classrooms and we had to seat on window seals and on the floor to attend classes.

-community attacks on the student body which always resulted in deaths and injuries of students.

at the end i was given a certificate to show to the world that i had been educated.

This was my experience because the Government in whose hands my education was turned a blind eye to my predicament, squandered funds, fed their unsatiable hunger for wealth and power(imagined or real) at my expense only to turn around and send their children and wards to oxford and Cambridge universities.

I don't know if you share or shared a similar experience as i did,i cannot do anything about my certificate anymore but i can help make sure this never happens to anyone again.

I have to stand up and fight for the future of myself and of my Nation.

I must say no to irresponsible and unfit leaders.

I need your help.

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